Chicken Soup for the Soul: Time for Christmas – Featuring a Story By Lynn

A new Chicken Soup book is now available, featuring Lynn’s “Christmas Cookies” story.

Chicken Soup for the Soul - Time for Christmas!

You’ll be inspired by these tales of kindness, gratitude and giving. You’ll also pick up some creative ways to make your own holidays even more special, with new plans for family fun, gift ideas and recipes. These 101 real-life personal stories from the very best of Chicken Soup for the Soul’s library are filled with the cheer of the season. They’ll leave you smiling and eager to share the holidays, from Thanksgiving to Hanukkah to Christmas and New Year’s.

We didn’t forget the kids either. The stories in this collection are “Santa safe,” meaning that they keep the magic alive even for precocious readers. Your purchase will support Toys for Tots as well, creating miracles and blessings for children all over the U.S.

Order copies here:
Barnes & Noble