Tag Archives: graphic novel

Lynn’s Article on BoingBoing: Syndicated Strip or Graphic Novel?

Lynn's Article on BoingBoing: Syndicated Strip or Graphic Novel?

Lynn was recently invited to write an essay on cartooning for BoingBoing, “The award-winning zine, blog and directory of mostly wonderful things.”

When I was barely 20 years old, I got married. My husband and I settled into an old apartment in Vancouver, near English Bay. He was working for the CBC as a cameraman and I was an ink and paint artist for Canawest Films. I wanted to be an animator and was learning the industry from the ground up. We did commercials, public service announcements and piece work for Hanna Barbera. I was one of 16 young women hired to hand colour acetate cells. Having signed an agreement to not join a union, we took shifts and worked around the clock for $1.50 an hour. It was hard work, but I learned quickly and I realized that an animator makes other people’s drawings, other people’s characters, other people’s dreams come to life.

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