Author Archives: fborfwnews

For Better or For Worse comic artist Lynn Johnston ventures into kids books

Photo by Paul McGrath

Thanks to Mina Kerr-Lazenby for this article in North Shore News:

In the first few weeks of 2024, eagle eyed Lynn Johnston fans will likely have spotted hints of something new and exciting to come from the famous cartoonist. On Johnston’s website and social media pages were drawings, but not of John, Elly, Farley and the rest of the For Better or For Worse gang.

Instead they were of Johnston herself. One saw the artist slumped over her studio desk, daydreaming of a light blue robot and his mechanical canine friend. Another depicted Johnston wandering a nature trail, sketchpad and pencil in hand, drawing the sea of colourful robotic characters that surrounded her.

The sketches served as the first introduction to Alottabotz, the robotic world at the centre of a new series of children’s picture books written and illustrated by the artist.

Read the rest of the article here:

Something New From Lynn: Introducing Alottabotz!

Lynn sits at her drafting table with Tim and his dog bot in a bubble above her head.

I tried to retire. I really did. But after a year or so of bumbling about, I realized I had to do something creative with my time!

I love robots! Robot characters are fun to draw and stories about them are fun to create. Once I had set my sights on robots, my thoughts turned to books. I decided to try my hand at writing stories for kids. I have written in rhyme because, somehow, that’s just how the muse manifested itself. I gave myself a year to come up with a number of illustrated books, and I have finished the first three!

I hope you enjoy my new books.

~ Lynn⁠

Check out the Alottabotz here on their brand new website.
Shop for the books here.
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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Time for Christmas – Featuring a Story By Lynn

A new Chicken Soup book is now available, featuring Lynn’s “Christmas Cookies” story.

Chicken Soup for the Soul - Time for Christmas!

You’ll be inspired by these tales of kindness, gratitude and giving. You’ll also pick up some creative ways to make your own holidays even more special, with new plans for family fun, gift ideas and recipes. These 101 real-life personal stories from the very best of Chicken Soup for the Soul’s library are filled with the cheer of the season. They’ll leave you smiling and eager to share the holidays, from Thanksgiving to Hanukkah to Christmas and New Year’s.

We didn’t forget the kids either. The stories in this collection are “Santa safe,” meaning that they keep the magic alive even for precocious readers. Your purchase will support Toys for Tots as well, creating miracles and blessings for children all over the U.S.

Order copies here:
Barnes & Noble