Tag Archives: pixar

We Asked Lynn: 3 Interview Questions

As part of our ongoing “We Asked Lynn” series of blog entries, we asked Lynn a few questions — the topics of travel, imagination, and animation are always safe bets, because we know we’ll get interesting responses!

We asked Lynn 3 interview questions 1. What have you learned from all your travels around the world? Is
there anyplace you still really want to go, where you haven’t yet visited?

I’ve learned from my travels that people are all the same, no matter where you go. We all want to be safe and happy; to provide for our families; to have meaningful work; to laugh and play music; to belong and to love. We are all the same.

The barrier for me has always been language. When you talk to someone, a relationship happens.  Learning Spanish has been life-changing for me. I no longer go to Mexico, Cuba and Peru as a tourist — I can get to know people; really connect with them. In my opinion, our inability to understand each other is what separates us, not our clothing or our colour or our beliefs. It’s easier to think the worst of someone if you can’t understand them!

Where do I want to go next? Australia beckons, but first, my partner and I are going to England, to celebrate our 70th birthdays. In October, we’ll be attending a comic art festival in the town of Kendal [the Lakes International Comic Art Festival], before going on to see friends and relatives here and there.

2. Do you still spend a lot of time “living in your imagination”?

Yes, I still spend a lot of time in my imagination. I can go anywhere I want to go and it’s free! Not having to write and draw the strip makes my mental forays less focused and less productive, but I still go drifting off into my own thoughts. Really…isn’t this something we all do?

3. Have you seen any really good animated films lately? What are some of
your favourites?

Yes, I’ve seen some amazing animated films. The new CGI techniques blow me away. The one show that stays in my mind, however is Pixar’s “Inside Out” — directed by Pete Docter and Ronnie Del Carmen. It has a wonderful premise, great story arc, was ingeniously storyboarded and beautifully animated. It’s both entertaining and ingenious, so in order to appreciate the truly important content you should see it twice!